Gratitude / Mindfulness Towels

A Sunday well spent brings a week of content…

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A women gets the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that….

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BE faithful IN SMALL THINGS- Natural towel

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be kind- Natural towel

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Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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Beautiful girl, you can do amazing things

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Blue Mind (defined)

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bread & butter, rock & roll, you & me ( ampersand image )

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BRING ON THE Sunshine- Natural towel

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cultivate kindness- Natural towel

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DO ONE THING Every DAY that Makes you Happy- Natural towel

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Dream one size too big. Unless dreaming about clothing. Then dream one size smal

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Enjoy the little things.

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EVEN THE SMALLEST ACTION can change the world- Natural towel

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Every week should have one day in it when boys give presents to girls.

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Gather TOGETHER- Natural towel

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Give yourself some grace today

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Grow. ( flower image )

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Happy Birthday Sweet Thing ( birthday cake image )

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